Is Hillary transparent enough for Scott Peters?

March 17, 2015

Based on the fundraising email below, it sure looks like the DCCC is #ReadyforHillary and will stand by her through thick and thin. This despite the fact that 51% of Americans polled believe that Clinton “did do something wrong” by using her personal email to conduct official State Department business.

What’s less clear is where Scott Peters stands on the issue. So far, Peters has been silent about Clinton’s transparency woes, despite his recently released government reform platform featuring increased transparency as a key pillar. Does Peters agree that Clinton “did do something wrong,” or do her actions live up to his standards of transparency?

Additionally, with the DCCC spending more than $2.5 million in 2014 to help his reelection bid, what does Scott Peters think about the committee raising funds off of Hillary’s questionable behavior? Does Peters agree with the DCCC that congressional oversight is a “waste of time and money?”

 NRCC Comment: “As a self-avowed reformer, it’s pathetic that Scott Peters refuses to speak up about Hillary Clinton’s lack of transparency while fellow Democrats fundraise off of legitimate congressional oversight efforts. Does Peters stand for transparency, or is he too busy toeing the party line to speak up for his constituents?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter

Hillary fundraiser