Annie Kuster and Nancy Pelosi to Wine and Dine Together in New Hampshire

March 19, 2015

According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, Annie Kuster and Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi will be breaking bread together on May 3rd in New Hampshire for a Democratic fundraiser.  What will the two discuss at the $350  per person VIP reception?

Will Nancy thank Annie for voting with Democrats over 94% of the time?  Perhaps they will share a laugh on how they joined Barack Obama in opposing affordable home heating costs for New Hampshire families and seniors.  Or maybe in the wake of the April 15th tax filing deadline, they will laugh about how Obamacare, which they both support 100 percent, forced many Granite Staters to hire accountants in addition to paying more in taxes.

We just hope things don’t get tense between Pelosi and Kuster when they try deciding which of them is the strongest supporter of Barack Obama in Congress.

NRCC Comment:  “Nancy Pelosi and Annie Kuster are two peas in a pod when it comes to their apathy toward skyrocketing home heating costs and higher taxes on Granite Staters.  Perhaps when they are wining and dining, they can discuss how to actually help New Hampshire middle class families and seniors for a change.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack