DCCC’s #Fail
Over the past few days, media outlets up and down the East Coast have been calling out the DCCC for playing it fast and loose with the facts in their attacks against House Republicans.
Check it out:
Democrats attack Rep. MacArthur for a vote he never cast | The Auditor
-New Jersey Advance, 5/31/15
Pot, meet kettle: DCCC attacks Jolly over measure supported by 88% of Dems
-Tampa Bay Times, 5/28/15
Democrats Keep Shooting Themselves in the Foot Over David Jolly
-Sunshine State News, 5/28/15
-Saint Peters Blog, 5/28/15
A rough start for new DCCC Chairman Ben Ray Luján! Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the DCCC Chairman also voted for the same bill the DCCC was attacking David Jolly over. SMH…