Annette Taddeo steps in it yet again

June 11, 2015

taddeoNow that the Miami Herald is out with a story regarding the Florida GOP calling on Annette Taddeo and DCCC Chairman to apologize “for boosting [a] faux tea-party candidate in 2010,” does Taddeo stand by her 2013 statement where she pledged a zero tolerance policy for shady campaign tactics?  In the wake of an absentee ballot scheme, Taddeo released a statement saying she has “zero tolerance for gaming the electoral process” and that voters “deserve a fair, transparent electoral system that they can trust.”

If Taddeo is practicing what she preaches, then why is she bragging about how she will “rake in campaign cash” at a fundraiser the DCCC Chairman is throwing for her on Friday?  Should Taddeo really be associating herself with the DCCC given their shady campaign tactics in 2010 considering her alleged zero tolerance policy?

NRCC Comment:  “Annette Taddeo continues to demonstrate that she is a hypocritical politician who will sell her principles down the river if she thinks she can benefit.  South Floridians deserve more than the opportunistic hypocrisy that follows Taddeo wherever she goes.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack