Will Steve Israel Denounce the Clinton-Schumer Carbon Tax?

June 24, 2015

WASHINGTON – The National Republican Congressional Committee today called on New York Congressman Steve Israel to denounce Chuck Schumer’s plan to implement a carbon tax if Democrats take control of the Senate and Hillary Clinton wins the White House in 2016.  Schumer divulged his plan for a Clinton- Schumer carbon tax yesterday at an environmental event on Capitol Hill.

“Steve Israel is so entrenched in liberal DC political circles that he’s lost sight of the fact that his Long Island constituents just can’t afford to pay more while making less,” said NRCC Regional Spokesman Chris Pack.  “If Steve Israel wants to prove to his constituents that he hasn’t ‘gone Washington’ he should tell Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton to take a hike when it comes to hiking up electricity costs and jeopardizing Long Island jobs.”

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the implementation of a carbon tax would disproportionately impact lower income households.  It would raise the price of goods and services, lead to the loss of jobs, lower wages and cause gasoline prices to rise.

In the 114th Congress, Israel has voted with Democrats 97.5 percent of the time.
