Top 5 theories on why Annette Taddeo’s mansion still isn’t for sale

June 30, 2015

off marketRemember back in April when millionaire Annette Taddeo, a self-proclaimed member of the middle class, announced her campaign for Congress in FL-26?  She said she was going to move out of her ritzy 6,500 square foot mansion (complete with 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a fireplace and an in-ground swimming pool) self-assessed at $1.25 million and into the actual Congressional district she wants to represent.  That still hasn’t happened.

Here’s 5 theories as to why:

1 – She was flat-out lying about moving like when she lied on national television about being middle class

2 – She was too tired to call a realtor like when she was too tired to call into a local radio show after a cumulative total of 7 hours on the campaign trail

3- She was focused on having the wildly unpopular Nancy Pelosi fundraise on her behalf

4 – She was too busy bragging on Twitter about how the DCCC chairman would “rake in campaign cash” for her at a high end fundraiser

5 – She is already thinking ahead to the next seat she’s going to run for because she knows she doesn’t stand a chance against Carlos Curbelo in 2016, just like all of her other campaigns

NRCC Comment: “If Annette Taddeo is really going to move into the 26th District like she promised, maybe she should start by actually putting her mansion on the market.  Clearly a self-described member of the middle class like Taddeo would have to sell her current house before buying a new one, so what is she waiting for?” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack