Morgan Carroll wants to get “real results” – just not in the state Senate

July 9, 2015

real resultsJust days into her congressional campaign to “get real results,” The Denver Post reports that Morgan Carroll has decided to step down from her post as Senate minority leader. You know, a leadership position where she currently has the power to get some “real results” for her constituents.

It’s amazing that it took only a few days before Carroll was willing to drop her current leadership role, directly contradicting the very rationale for her campaign, to give her more time to campaign for a promotion. If Morgan Carrol really cared about getting results for her constituents, wouldn’t she keep a post where she already has the sway to enact change?

“Now that Morgan Carroll is looking for a promotion, the only real results she will be concerned about delivering will be for her campaign, not Aurora families. Instead of staying in her current leadership role where she could conceivably make a difference, Carroll is selfishly stepping down to focus first on her political career.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter