Brad Schneider refuses to condemn bad Iran deal
Is it any surprise that Brad Schneider has again refused to speak out against the flawed nuclear deal with Iran after he has stood with liberal activist group J-Street and was embarrassingly forced to yank his first bill as a member over concerns that it would delay sanctions on Iran?
Schneider’s statement on the agreement made it clear that he refuses to acknowledge that this bad deal rewards Iran with a clear path to nuclear weapons and billions in sanctions relief while posing an existential threat to Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clearly believes the deal is bad for Israel and region, saying, “today a terrorist nuclear superpower is born, and it will go down as one of the darkest days in world history.”
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Brad Schneider apparently can’t tell the difference between a deal that protects Israel and one that threatens to wipe it off the map. But you know who can? Bob Dold.