(Video) MIND BLOWING THEORY! Melissa Gilbert couldn’t see her tax bill
The mystery may have been solved on why tax delinquent Melissa Gilbert, who has “total assets worth at least $818,000, and perhaps as much as $1.7 million,” couldn’t be bothered to pay $360,000 in federal taxes and $112,000 in state taxes despite her sob sorry about the recession hitting her hard: Gilbert simply couldn’t see her tax bill!
Click HERE to view tax delinquent Melissa Gilbert’s video on her Instagram page
Maybe Gilbert can use her income, which “has earned her between $100,203 and $1.001 million” in 2015 alone to buy a pair of reading glasses?
But let’s get serious for a second. Take a step back to truly picture the person in the above video making any sort of votes in the House of Representatives on issues such as the Iran nuclear deal, our $18 trillion dollar-plus national debt, having any say over foreign policy, national security, transportation and infrastructure issues, etc.
Frightening, isn’t it?