Does Morgan Carroll Support Funding Terrorists?

January 21, 2016

carroll huhWith John Kerry admitting that the sanctions relief included in the Iran Deal will fund terrorists, it’s time we know where congressional hopeful Morgan Carroll stands on the deal. Don’t forget that last year, Carroll went out of her way to soften language condemning Iran’s role in sponsoring terrorism in a resolution in state Senate.

Now, with Carroll’s questionable record on Iran and Kerry admitting today that there is “little the United States or others could do” to prevent the unfrozen assets from going to known terrorist groups, Carroll needs to make it clear whether or not she supports the deal.

Remember, Carroll has already come out in favor of opening the door to bring GITMO detainees to Colorado, giving 6th District families every reason to question her competency on national security issues that she would surely face in Congress.

NRCC Comment: “Because of her questionable record on Iran and willingness to bring GITMO detainees to Colorado, Morgan Carroll needs to make it clear where she stands on the Iran nuclear deal. 6th District voters deserve to know if Carroll supports a deal that our very own Secretary of State admits will fund terrorist organizations.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter