House Democrats begin to run from Sanders’ socialist agenda
House Democrats are already running away from their new Presidential frontrunner, socialist Senator Bernie Sanders. At the House Democratic retreat in Baltimore today, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi distanced herself from the centerpiece of Sanders’ agenda: single-payer healthcare, saying:
“He’s talking about a single-payer system and that’s not going to happen. There is no use having a conversation about something that is never going to happen.”
Ouch. This criticism is especially notable coming from Pelosi, who was a supporter of a single-payer system as recently as 2014.
NRCC Statement: “House Democrats are terrified that socialist Senator Bernie Sanders has taken the lead in polling in both Iowa and New Hampshire, and have already begun trying to distance themselves from his radical agenda. Even Nancy Pelosi knows that Sanders’ brand of socialism will lead to disaster for Democrat House candidates in November.” – Bob Salera, NRCC Spokesman