NRCC Weekly Rundown: Clinton ties a socialist in Iowa, House Democrats vote against keeping funding from terrorists, and more!

February 5, 2016


And here’s this week’s edition NRCC Weekly Rundown:

 National: Despite Secretary John Kerry’s admission that President Obama’s Iran Deal would help finance terrorism, House Democrats voted against the Iran Terror Finance Transparency Act. The bill, passed by House Republicans, would allow sanctions to be lifted only if the President certifies they will not benefit terrorists or those connected to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards or weapons of mass destruction programs.

National: House Democrats began to panic after their preferred candidate, criminal investigation target Hillary Clinton, tied the socialist junior Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. The Democrat campaign now heads to New Hampshire, where Sanders holds a commanding lead in recent polls.

National: After socialist Senator Bernie Sanders questioned Hillary Clinton’s progressive credentials, Clinton had an interesting meltdown on Twitter. Clinton first pointed to her support from “leading progressives” like Ricky Martin, Barbara Streisand, and Katy Perry. She then went on to question whether Sanders, a self-described socialist, was a “real progressive.”

CA-21: Rep. David Valadao reported nearly $1 million cash on hand, outraising his Democrat opponent more than 100-to-1.

CA-24: The Santa Barbara Independent accused Sauld Carbajal and his allies of “political intimidation, retribution, and behind-the-scenes maneuvering” during last week’s endorsement battle.

CA-25: An FEC report showed that carpetbagger Bryan Caforio managed to get zero donations from residents of CA-25, other than his wife. Adding to his troubles, local Democrats rejected him 88%-12% at their endorsement vote last weekend.

FL-26: Former Congressman and criminal investigation subject, Joe Garcia announced that he would challenge ultraliberal perennial losing candidate Annette Taddeo in the Democrat primary.

IL-10: Candidates Brad Schneider and Nancy Rotering met this week for a debate this week. The NRCC proposed some questions regarding their finances that they have yet to address. On the fundraising front, Rep. Bob Dold reported $1.5 million cash on hand, dwarfing the totals of both of his challengers.

MI-08: After actress Melissa Gilbert’s FEC Disclosure showed tens of thousands of dollars of donations from her Hollywood friends, the NRCC encouraged her to ask these same friends for help in paying off the $472,000 she owes in back taxes.

MN-02: Angie Craig went into hiding now that she is running unopposed in the DFL primary. Craig refused to attend a forum at the University of Minnesota’s Humphry School of Public Affairs despite attempts to accommodate her schedule, giving no reason for her absence.

NY-01: Candidates Anna Throne-Holst and Dave Calone squared off in their first debate this week, and the NRCC offered some questions concerning how out of touch they are with the district they hope to represent.

NY-21: Fundraising numbers are in, and Democrat Mike Derrick has an anemic $138,618 cash on hand, the lowest cash on hand of any declared challenger at this point in a North Country campaign in over a decade.

VA-10: LuAnn Bennett accepted a donation from lobbyist Terry Lierman. Lierman previously gave former Rep. Jim Moran, Bennett’s ex-husband and current advisor, an undisclosed $25,000 personal loan at the same time Moran co-sponsored legislation supported by Lierman.



 FROM OUR POLITICIAN –Coffman: The time is now for VA reform

While we have made great progress for our veterans much work remains and regardless of what legislative changes we pass, fundamental change requires better leadership from the top of the VA and the administration. In a 2007 speech, candidate Obama promised to build a 21st century VA to serve our veterans and urged comprehensive reform. The time is now for President Obama to fulfill candidate Obama’s promise. We owe it to the men and women who serve our country. READ


Comstock’s SOS Act aims to fight human trafficking

“It is critical that we are ever vigilant in the fight against the heinous crime of human trafficking,” Comstock said. “Every day, flight attendants see and interact with children on the thousands of flights across our country and throughout the world. They are the eyes and ears in this constant battle, and this legislation will give them the tools to save the most vulnerable in our society and fight this terrible scourge. I want to thank Congresswoman Titus for working in a bipartisan manner on this important legislation.” READ


House passes Poliquin bill to aid small business growth

U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin’s (R-ME) bill to aid small business growth passed the House on Monday with broad bipartisan support. Small businesses in Maine and throughout the entire Country struggle to raise capital to expand, grow and hire more workers,” Poliquin said. “In fact, 80 percent of the new jobs created in the United States are created by small businesses. “My number one focus in Congress is job creation. Congress must continue to act to foster a more business-friendly environment for job creators to grow and hire more workers. READ


Representative Knight Introduces Natural Gas Storage Safety Bill, Would Help Prevent Future Leaks

This is the latest action in Knight’s response to the Porter Ranch gas leak, which caused methane gas to escape into the nearby communities, forcing many residents from their schools, businesses and homes. “My priorities in Porter Ranch have been and will continue to be providing residents with up to date information as well as assistance on relocation and reimbursements,” said Knight. “But as we approach a resolution on the leak, it is time to move forward on comprehensive legislation to prevent another incident from happening in our communities ever again.” READ


State Sen. Morgan Carroll trails U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman in CD6 fundraising

Democratic candidate Morgan Carroll said she raised $277,577 from more than 2,000 individual donors in the fourth quarter of 2015, according to a January news release from her campaign in the race for Colorado’s 6th Congressional District seat. That’s about $35,000 less than the district’s Republican incumbent, Rep. Mike Coffman, whose campaign said he raised more than $313,000 by the end of 2015. READ


Republicans hit Miami Democratic congressional candidate with robocalls on Iran

The National Republican Congressional Committee plans to hit voters in Florida’s southernmost congressional district with robocalls starting Monday criticizing Annette Taddeo, the Democrat hoping to unseat incumbent Rep. Carlos Curbelo. READ


Democrats lag badly in chase for national security voters

Rep. Steve Israel, the New York lawmaker charged with campaign messaging for House Democrats, told colleagues during a closed-door briefing last week that Democrats poll significantly behind Republicans on national security — by as much as 23 percentage points. “There is no question that we’ve got to address that issue,” said Israel, a former chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “There is anxiety about a global threat across the board.” READ