DCCC announces Red to Blue candidates, hilarity ensues
Today, the DCCC announced its first round of candidates to qualify for its Red to Blue program. It reads as a rundown of past and future failures, and is most notable for the districts omitted from the list.
A brief history of Red to Blue failure:
In 2012, the DCCC unveiled its first round of Red to Blue and “Emerging” candidates in January. Those candidates had a combined record of 7-23, with multiple candidates even losing their primaries to candidates who would go on to lose in the general election.
In their disastrous 2014 cycle, the DCCC waited to unveil its first round of Red to Blue and “Emerging” candidates until March. Those candidates had a combined record of 4-36, including a hilarious 0-12 among “Emerging” candidates.
This year’s latest list of candidates includes failed Red to Blue alumni Michael Eggman and Emily Cain, as well as 2014 losers Brad Schneider, Pete Gallego, and Carol Shea-Porter.
DCCC gives up on “One-Term Wonders”:
Almost one year ago to the day, the DCCC announced its “One-Term Wonders,” 16 Republican Freshman who they were targeting in 2016. They even came up with “clever” one-hit wonder songs to associate with the Representatives! Well, it appears that they have given up on defeating 5 of those 16. It’s ok, DCCC, we’ve all had a Bad Day!
NRCC COMMENT: “The DCCC’s track record with their Red to Blue program is laughable, and their latest slate of future failed candidates will do no better. Maybe the DCCC should focus on keeping their blue districts blue. Walk before you run folks.” – Katie Martin, NRCC Communications Director