Scott Peters To Introduce Obama’s Budget In The House

February 18, 2016

peters obamaLast night in the below email to supporters, Scott Peters called on Republicans to “allow Obama to present his budget before Congress” and demanded “an end to Congress’s dysfunction.” Luckily for Peters, any member of Congress can introduce their own budget, including an exact copy of President Obama’s, if they so desire.

Given Peters’ forceful words on the topic, it is safe to assume that he will introduce and vote for President Obama’s budget next month during budget discussions. This is a budget that never balances. Ever. And raises the cost of gas by 25 cents per gallon, hitting middle and lower class families the hardest. Not to mention the laundry list of new spending proposals and new taxes that would make life harder for San Diego families and businesses.

Also worth noting, Peters’ forceful support of President Obama’s budget is remarkable, given that he has never once voted in favor of a budget resolution since coming to Congress.

NRCC Comment: “The Scott Peters and Barack Obama budget never, ever balances and hits working families by increasing the cost of gas by 25 cents a gallon. With a laundry list of new taxes and spending that would make life harder for San Diegans, clearly Peters is more interested in fighting for Obama’s legacy of record debt and a sluggish economy than his own constituents.” –NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter

peters email