It’s Oscar Night! Here are the DCCC’s favorite movies!

February 28, 2016

Movies unite us. They can make us laugh, make us cry, thrill us, or make us think, whether we are Democrats or Republicans. In honor of the Oscars, the NRCC highlights the favorite movies of our friends at the DCCC.


Unfriended – No one likes Ami Bera. The California congressman has been losing friends left and right. Now Bera will have to seek reelection without the support of his own local party.

con Air

Con Air – Former Congressman, and renowned crook, Joe Garcia went down in flames in 2014 along with the rest of his criminal enterprise. Now he’s back to take on the DCCC’s handpicked candidate, perennial losing candidate Annette Taddeo, in the FL-26 primary.

beverly hills ninja

Beverly Hills Ninja – Beverly Hills attorney Bryan Caforio takes a journey to an exotic new land (CA-25) to seek a seat in Congress. His only problem? No one in the district knows or likes him. Watch Caforio bumble his way to defeat in this laugh-a-minute comedy.


Brooklyn – Watch as liberal activist and Brooklyn resident Zephyr Teachout makes her long voyage to upstate New York to seek a seat in Congress.


Drive – This thriller follows D.C. native Luann Bennett on her daily commute from the Ritz-Carlton in Washington to Virginia. You’ll be on the edge of your seat as she battles traffic on her way out of her posh neighborhood.

fight club

Fight Club – Watch as outside special interests pour millions into this brutal Pennsylvania primary. Will Shaughennessy Naughton or Steve Santarsiero emerge to be the losing candidate in November.

grumpy old men

Grumpy Old Men – In this comedy, grumpy old men Rick Nolan and Collin Peterson trudge through the Minnesota winter with their liberal protégé, Angie Craig on their way to defeat in November.

liar liar

Liar Liar – The story of Raul Ruiz, who cannot tell a lie. Oh wait…yes he can! Watch Ruiz lie his way through tough questions on issues like the Iran deal, which he told constituents he’d vote against, and then voted for!


The Wolf of Wall Street – Wall Street darling Hillary Clinton made millions giving speeches to the big banks. Now, as the FBI closes in, she’s engaged in a battle for the Democrat nomination for president with socialist Bernie Sanders, and is refusing to let voters know what she was telling those Wall Street executives in private.


Titanic – Watch as perennial losing candidates, and former failed running mates, Charlie Crist and Annette Taddeo embark on their latest star-crossed quests for Florida elected office. The only question is whether they will hit the iceberg in the primary or general election.