Morgan Carroll’s GITMO Gymnastics

March 16, 2016

Despite stating multiple times that she favors closing GITMO, Morgan Carroll changed positions and joined Republicans last week in supporting Senate Joint Resolution 16-011, discouraging the lease of a local prison facility to the federal government in order to prevent the transfer of GITMO detainees to Colorado.

carroll gitmoHowever, that same day, Carroll also supported an amendment
that would have reversed the intent of the underlying resolution, effectively endorsing shutting down GITMO, trying detainees, and opening the door to bringing terrorists to Colorado.

In the last six months, Carroll has been on every side of this issue. In October, Carroll told Colorado Independent that, “Obviously, nobody wants convicted terrorists moving into Colorado — or anywhere else for that matter.”

But in December, Carroll told the Denver Post that she wanted to close the prison, even it if meant bringing detainees to Colorado: “If we don’t have the evidence, we should quit holding people indefinitely,” said Carroll, who added that the U.S. should “charge, try and prosecute” the detainees and hold them in the most secure facility that’s available — even if it’s in Colorado.  “Only if we are the safest place.”

But just a week later, Carroll told the Aurora Sentinel that, “It is absurd to say that I, or anyone else, wants to bring terrorists to Colorado.”

Clearly, Carroll realized her desire to shut GITMO down and open the door to bringing terrorist detainees to Colorado is out of step with the 6th District.

So will Morgan Carroll clearly state for the record that she would join Rep. Mike Coffman, Sen. Cory Gardner, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and many others in voting to prevent the closure of GITMO?

NRCC Comment: “Morgan Carroll has tried to be on every side of the GITMO issue and 6th District families deserve to know her actual position. Would Carroll join Rep. Mike Coffman, Sen. Cory Gardner and other leaders in voting to prevent the closure of GITMO?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter