Will Joe Biden address DCCC recruiting failures at retreat?
On Friday, House Democrats will retreat to Santa Fe for a strategy event with Vice President Joe Biden. One can only imagine what sage advice Biden will deliver. After all, the Obama-Biden administration helped deliver not just one, but two wave elections and flipped both Houses of Congress…in favor of Republicans. So more than anyone, Joe Biden is in quite a position to tell House Democrats exactly where they are going wrong.
Perhaps Biden will advise House Democrats to run away from the Obama administration’s unpopular policies. Obama’s signature legislation, Obamacare, continues to be viewed unfavorably by 54% of Americans. The administration’s plan to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay and bring dangerous terrorists to U.S. soil is supported by only 38%. And just 30% of Americans support Obama’s deal with Iran, which the administration admits will fund terrorism.
Or maybe Uncle Joe will offer some advice on how to fix the DCCC’s candidate recruitment problem. As already reported by Cook Political Report and National Journal, House Democrats have failed to recruit crediblecandidates in a number of potentially competitive districts. And time is running out to turn the tide on their disaster of a recruiting cycle. Filing has already closed in 31 states, and will close in another 5 in the next two weeks, limiting the ability of the DCCC to fix their candidate problem.
NRCC Comment: “Joe Biden has a tough assignment in helping House Democrats strategize on how to clean up the mess they’ve made of the 2016 cycle. A combination of the DCCC’s disastrous recruiting failures across the country, and the unpopularity of the policies supported by those candidates they did recruit make House Democrats’ fantasy of retaking the majority impossible.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera