When will natural disaster profiteer Randy Perkins back a presidential candidate?
FL-18 candidate Randy Perkins has been awfully quiet on whether he is supporting socialist Bernie Sanders or FBI target Hillary Clinton for president. But now that Bernie Sanders has pledged to take the fight for the Democratic nomination to a contested convention, perhaps Perkins could tell us.
It’s probably wishful thinking, but hopefully Perkins can stop profiting off of natural disaster victims long enough to give us an answer on if he is ready to #FeelTheBern or is he #ReadyForHillary?
NRCC Comment: “If Randy Perkins could stop profiting off of natural disaster victims for just a moment, maybe he could tell FL-18 voters who he is supporting for president. The voters of Florida’s 18th deserve to know if Randy Perkins is supporting a socialist or an FBI target.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack