NRCC Weekly Rundown: The Clinton-Sanders feud heads to a contested convention, hypocrisy from Jim Mowrer, Annette Taddeo embraces a crook, and more!

May 6, 2016


And here’s this week’s edition of the NRCC Weekly Rundown:

 National: Hillary Clinton continues to struggle to unite Democrats. In a surprise, socialist Bernie Sanders emerged as the winner in the Indiana primary, and pledged to take his fight all the way to a contested convention. House Democrats will be forced to decide whether they support will the Vermont socialist or deeply unpopular FBI target Clinton. The NRCC challenged Democrats across the country to tell voters who they will support at a contested convention. Click here to read more. There are a lot. NRCC Comms was #onfleek this week.

National: In the first part of an ongoing series, the NRCC highlighted the pair of unappealing choices Democrats have in front of them on health care, and asked Democrats across the country whether they supported Hillary Clinton’s plan to stick with Obamacare or Bernie Sanders’ plan to implement government run health care. Click here to read more.

IA-03: Jim Mowrer released a new ad vowing to work for Main Street, not Wall Street. The only problem is that Mowrer has been raking in campaign cash from those same Wall Street interests that he decries, taking over $40,000 from the securities and investment, and banking industries.

FL-26: Over a year ago, Annette Taddeo, who recently touted the endorsement of disgraced former Mayor Raul Martinez, promised to establish residency in the Florida Keys. The NRCC checked in to see whether she planned to keep her word or if she was just pandering to voters yet again.

MD-06: John Delaney has abandoned coal miners in his district. Instead of standing with miners, Delaney has chosen to raise money for Hillary Clinton, who has vowed to put coal miners out of work.

MI-01: Stories continue to come out warning of the upcoming double digit insurance premium increases due to Obamacare. How does Detroit resident Lon Johnson feel about Obamacare? In 2014, he personally expressed his gratitude to President Obama and Congressional Democrats for the law.



House passes Donovan homeowner protection bill

U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan said that legislation he sponsored that was recently passed by the House will go a long way toward ensuring that homeowners who are still rebuilding from Superstorm Sandy are treated fairly. Donovan (R-C-Southwest Brooklyn-Staten Island) introduced a bill aimed at addressing problems with reports filed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) following inspections of homes belonging to residents seeking government assistance to rebuild. READ

 Katko lays out plan to fight poverty by lowering manufacuturing tax rate

Katko is on a task force in the House Republican conference working on a poverty package, a series of legislation that will address the issue. At its heart is tax reform, specifically lowering the rate for manufacturers. “If you don’t have tax reform for manufacturers, there’s no incentive for them to come back from overseas,” Katko said. “We just need to level the playing field. Close the loopholes so everyone is paying their fair share and get those companies to come back. Then if they leave, then you smack them. But get them to come back here. There’s trillions of dollars overseas.” READ

 Zeldin: Combatting opioid epidemic requires more funding for treatment, education and law enforcement

Increasing funding and accessibility for treatment and recovery services is critically important to assist Americans coping with addiction. Incarceration alone is not the answer. Targeted and individualized treatment programs are essential to solve the addiction epidemic. We must also increase access to affordable treatment and recovery options through healthcare reform to treat addiction as a disease. READ

Ka-ching! Dold proposes employer tax credit for student-debt relief

In an announcement and news conference, Rep. Bob Dold, R-10th, called for expansion and sweetening of a current law that allows employers and families to contribute up to $5,250 a year tax free to a 529 college savings plan. Though both would have to pay if the boss instead pays to help reduce a worker’s college debt. READ

Rep. Bruce Poliquin Proposes College Savings Bill

It will change 529s to operate more like 401k Savings Plans, which Poliquin says will give families better federal tax deductions and allow employers to help with saving for college. “College is very expensive these days and kids are graduating with way too much debt,” said Poliquin. “And this helps them save in a tax free way and also encourages their employers to also contribute to their employees’ kids education.” READ

 FEMA accused of fraud in Hurricane Sandy insurance claims reviews

But MacArthur, a Republican, has called for the resignation of FEMA director Craig Fugate as well as congressional hearings into the claims of systematic low-balling in the review process. “Every American deserves to know that their government is going to be there to support them,” said MacArthur, “not to take advantage of them.” READ

House approves homeland security bills led by Fleischmann, McSally, Katko

Additionally, the House approved the Securing Aviation from Foreign Entry Ports and Guarding Airports Through Enhanced Security Act, H.R. 4698, offered by Katko, which would require airport security assessments and security coordination enhancement plans. “This bipartisan legislation will bolster security at international airports with direct flights to the U.S.,” Katko said. “Following the recent attacks in Brussels, this measure will help ensure that aviation remains safe.” READ

McSally bill to strengthen homeland security is 7th to get House OK

Freshman Rep. Martha McSally’s seventh bill to be approved by the House in this session of Congress would improve the efficiency and coordination of disaster-preparedness programs. The legislation passed by voice vote and now goes to the Senate. It would: Authorize Operation Stonegarden, a program to provide grants to law enforcement agencies along the border to improve security. A total of $55 million a year in grants would be available. READ

NRCC to Democrats: Your Candidate is unpopular too

“As Hillary Clinton continues to struggle to unite Democrats behind her, House Democrats will have to choose whether they will stand with her at a contested convention and risk alienating their liberal base or throw their support to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders,” said Bob Salera, a spokesman for the House Republicans’ political arm, in a statement Wednesday. “Whether Democrats ultimately choose unpopular FBI target Hillary Clinton or socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, their down-ballot candidates will be saddled with an extremely flawed candidate at the top of the ticket.” READ