Morgan Carroll Silent As Iran Launches Ballistic Missile Test

May 9, 2016

Is Morgan Carroll finally ready to talk about President Obama’s dangerous nuclear deal with Iran? Carroll has done her absolute best to dodge on the issue, but after it was revealed this morning that Iran test-fired yet another ballistic missile she needs to step up and tell 6th District voters where she stands.

Will Carroll take Hillary Clinton’s approach and fully support the deal, including the use of military action to enforce its provisions? Or will she follow Bernie Sanders’ lead and go even further to move aggressively to normalize relations with Iran?

NRCC Comment: “Iran continues to destabilize the Middle East with provocative ballistic missile tests, yet Morgan Carroll refuses to speak out. 6th District families deserve to know where Carroll stands on President Obama’s dangerous deal with Iran and how she would address the Ayatollah’s aggressive actions.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter