How high do IA-03 Dems want to raise your taxes?
Just how high do IA-03 Democrats want to raise your taxes? Will they support Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders’ plan to raise taxes on hard-working Iowans? Let’s compare both plans that are sure to make life harder for Iowans.
According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, Hillary Clinton’s plan would raise taxes by an estimated $498 million over the next decade, reducing the GDP by 1% and cutting 311,000 much needed jobs. On the other hand, Socialist Bernie Sanders’ plan would raise taxes by an estimated $13.6 trillion over the next decade, lowering the GDP by 9.5% and creating a loss of 5.973 million jobs.
It’s time for IA-03 Democrats to finally pick their poison as they try to make it through this heated Democratic primary.
NRCC Comment: “Whether IA-03 Democrats choose FBI target Hillary Clinton or socialist Bernie Sanders, they will be supporting a liberal agenda that will significantly raise taxes on hardworking Iowans. Both Clinton and Sanders would be a general election nightmare for whoever emerges from the June 7th primary.” – NRCC Spokesperson Kate Constantini