John Delaney wants to raise your taxes

May 10, 2016

Hardworking Marylanders are already burdened by some of the highest taxes in the nation and it looks like John Delaney only wants to make things worse.


This was made crystal clear when Delaney endorsed and raised money for FBI target Hillary Clinton whose tax plan would destroy the middle class. Hillary’s grand plan would raise taxes by an estimated $498 million over the next decade, lower wages by .8% and cost 311,000 jobs. Sadly, John Delaney sees no problem with this.

Delaney couldn’t wait to say #ImWithHer and help line Hillary’s campaign coffers, but the hardworking families of the 6th District need someone who will stand with them and not make life harder by hiking their already sky-high taxes.

NRCC Comment: “Hardworking Marylanders are already suffering from sky high taxes and John Delaney only wants to make things worse by supporting Hillary Clinton and her tax plan that would crush the middle class. The people of Maryland 6th District deserve better than partisan Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Delaney who will make life harder by leaving them with less of their hard-earned money to make ends meet.” -Camille Gallo, NRCC Spokesperson