John Delaney wants to bring terrorists to the U.S.
It’s no secret that John Delaney REALLY, REALLY wants to bring terrorists to the United States. Not only has he personally voted multiple times to close Guantanamo Bay and bring known terrorists to U.S. soil, but he’s also endorsed and fundraised for Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton, like Delaney, is a loyal supporter of President Obama’s plan to close Gitmo and relocate terrorists to America. She even urged Obama to shut down the detention facility while she was Secretary of State. To make matters worse, Delaney and Clinton are blatantly ignoring more than half of the American people who oppose closing Gitmo.
Delaney might be #ReadyforHillary to bring terrorists to the U.S. but Marylanders are definitely not ready to risk their safety and security by supporting John and Hillary’s dangerous plan.