Morgan Carroll’s GITMO Dilemma
Morgan Carroll said she supports closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay and potentially bringing terrorist onto US soil, but then tried to backtrack after blowback from Coloradans. As the presidential race heats up, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are both campaigning on the push to close the facility, which would immediately put Colorado back in the running as a top potential relocation site.
Coloradans have made it clear they don’t want Gitmo detainees in their state. Now Morgan Carroll has to make a choice: march in lockstep with Clinton and Sanders as they push to bring terrorists to US soil, or completely flip-flop, abandon her Democrat base, and join Mike Coffman, Cory Gardner and other Colorado leaders in opposing the President’s reckless plan.
NRCC Comment: “Will Morgan Carroll march in lockstep with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on their push to close GITMO and open the door to bringing terrorists to Colorado? Or will she join with Colorado leaders like Mike Coffman and Cory Gardner in opposing the reckless plan?” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter