Clinton loses to a socialist, Part 21
As the weeks pass in the Democrat presidential primary, it becomes more and more apparent that House Democrats’ hopes that Hillary Clinton’s coattails could make up for the DCCC’s nationwide recruiting failures were nothing more than optimistic, yet unrealistic, fantasies. Last night was the latest illustration of Hillary Clinton’s failure to unite Democrats around her floundering candidacy, as she lost her 21st contest to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders in Oregon, while Kentucky, a state Clinton won by 36 points in 2008, remains too close to call.
Bernie Sanders has promised to take his nomination battle to a contested convention in Philadelphia, where it will likely have to be decided by the party’s “superdelegates,” a group of party insiders who are not bound to honor the choice of voters in their states. As the primary goes on, Clinton’s popularity among general election voters continues to tank, as just 39% of voters hold a favorable view of the likely Democrat nominee. And always lurking in the background is the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email servers, which is reportedly heading toward an interview with Clinton herself.
House Democrats, who themselves will act as superdelegates at the Democrats’ convention, have a choice to make: will they stand with unpopular FBI target Hillary Clinton? Or will they instead turn to Sanders, the favorite of their liberal base?
NRCC Comment: “FBI target Hillary Clinton’s latest loss to socialist Senator Bernie Sanders shows just how divided Democrats remain as their primary stumbles toward a contested convention. Whether House Democrats choose to stand with the toxic Hillary Clinton or extreme liberal Bernie Sanders, it is clear that their candidates will receive no help from the top of the ticket in November.” – Bob Salera, NRCC Spokesman