NRCC launches fact check website for Steve “Zero” Santarsiero

June 1, 2016

santarzeroscreenshotThe NRCC launched a new fact checking website for PA-08 candidate Steve “Zero” Santarsiero. The website,, tracks both the number of days Santarsiero has been serving in office and the number of bills he has had signed into law (zero).

Santarsiero was called out by PolitiFact earlier this year for lying about his legislative record in his campaign mailings.  No matter how much lying Stevie does, it won’t change his legislative record of failure. If you look at the bills that Santarsiero introduced during his 2,703 days as a state representative, none were signed into law.

7 years of failure, indeed.

NRCC Comment: “Steve Santarsiero thinks he deserves to be a federal lawmaker even though he hasn’t passed a single law in his seven-plus years as a state ‘lawmaker.’ It’s no wonder that Steve Santarsiero was called out for lying when he was touting his legislative accomplishments because the truth is that he doesn’t have any legislative accomplishments despite being a Harrisburg politician for over seven years.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack