Morgan Carroll Is Hilarious, She Just Doesn’t Know It

June 2, 2016

MorganCarrollolIf anyone else had said it, we would have thought it was a joke. But Morgan Carroll is so blindly partisan that she didn’t even realize the hilarity of her own words when she accused her colleagues of playing politics in the State Senate.

Carroll whined that her GOP colleagues opposed “a lot of other good bills that really didn’t need to be partisan” even though she is widely recognized as one of the most partisan liberal lawmakers in the state (See here and here). Now that she is running for Congress Carroll is trying to sing a different tune, but anyone who has followed her career knows just how tin-eared her complaints of partisanship are.

NRCC Comment: “It is the height of hilarity for “ultra-liberal” Morgan Carroll to whine about partisanship when she has long been recognized as one of the most liberal lawmakers in Colorado. But Carroll is so blindly partisan that she didn’t even realize how funny, and embarrassing, her own words were.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter