Forget campaign problems – LuAnn Bennett has some serious tax problems

June 7, 2016

VA-10 candidate LuAnn Bennett is getting tangled up in a web of lies after a watchdog group filed a tax evasion complaint against her for failing to pay DC taxes.

Bennett Problems 1

Bennett told the Winchester Star on Tuesday that her DC Ritz-Carlton condo was an investment property and that she never lived in it, which means she had to drive 104 miles round trip in DC rush hour traffic to her rural Virginia estate where she pays taxes.

Bennett Problems 2

(View entire bedroom photo here)

But if Bennett never lived in her penthouse, then why did she list her “fantastic unfurnished” condo online fully furnished with personal belongings, including family photos featured on her campaign’s Facebook page?

Bennett Problems 3NRCC Comment: “LuAnn Bennett says she never lived in the DC condo she owns, but her own rental listing shows personal items throughout the condo. LuAnn Bennett is lying about her residency and the more she lies the worse it is going to get for her campaign and with the DC Office of Tax and Revenue.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

PS: If Bennett’s online listing for her personally decorated “investment property” is taken offline, just let me know and I can send you all of the screen shots we have saved of the entire listing. Cheers!