The DCCC… Whelp…
This is awkward but last night’s primaries gave the DCCC their latest opportunity to fall on their faces, and boy did they take advantage.
In New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District, the DCCC recruit, liberal activist Jim Keady, lost his primary by 25 points. On the other side of the country, the DCCC’s favored CA-21 candidate, Emilio Huerta, is trailing in his primary by 472 votes and awaiting the final tally as Republican Rep. David Valadao took over 58% of the vote in the open-party primary.
These high profile losses were not the only source of embarrassment last night for the DCCC. In CA-24, a district currently held by Democrat Lois Capps, the DCCC was forced to spend over $1 million to drag their “Red to Blue” candidate across the finish line for a spot in the general election. In the 25th District, the DCCC’s candidate, Bryan Caforio, managed to win just 28.7% of the vote as he defeated the California Democratic Party’s underfunded endorsed candidate, Lou Vince. And in CA-10 DCCC is backing 2014 loser Michael Eggman, who received just 28% of the vote to advance to a rematch against Republican Congressman Jeff Denham, who two years ago defeated Eggman by a 13-point margin.
But this is just the latest round of failures this cycle for the DCCC, who previously saw their Red to Blue candidate in WV-02 lose and their PA-07 candidate get smoked by 50-points. Not to mention their recruiting failures in districts across the country, which have left Democrats without viable candidates in districts including PA-06, IL-12, IL-13, and the entire state of Ohio just to name a few.
But bless their hearts, the DCCC sure is trying to spin last night’s results, telling reporters that the “risk is worth the reward,” in trying to pick winners and losers in primaries. Keep telling yourselves that DCCC! It sure has been fun to watch from our angle!