Steve Santarsiero’s lame excuse already debunked
PA-08 candidate and do-nothing* State Representative Steve Santarsiero is such a little rascal. Last week he wouldn’t agree to Brian Fitzpatrick’s proposed debate schedule because Santarsiero supposedly takes his job as a state lawmaker very seriously* and had to be in Harrisburg for session.
Since giving that excuse, Santarsiero has missed 44% (16 of 36) of votes in the state House. And let’s not forget this is the same Santarsiero who was literally booed off the house floor by his colleagues a few months ago after asking to be excused so he didn’t have to take a tough vote.
NRCC Comment: “Steve Santarsiero has missed 44% of votes in Harrisburg since using the legislative session as an excuse for not being able to debate Brian Fitzpatrick. Steve Santarsiero is a political fraud who is willing to lie to both voters and the media if it benefits him politically.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
*Despite serving as a state representative for over 7 years with periods of Democratic control of the House and a Democratic governor, Santarsiero has never had a bill signed into law.
List of the 16 votes missed by Steve Santarsiero this week (out of a possible 36)
June 8
June 7