How Many 8th District Families Will Lose Health Insurance Because Of Rick Nolan?
Today, more than 100,000 Minnesotans found out that they will be losing health care coverage, and Rick Nolan’s reckless support of Obamcare is to blame. Despite warnings that the law would result in premium increases and lost coverage, Rick Nolan continued parroting the lie that “If you like the plan you have, you can keep it.” Now Minnesota families are the ones suffering from Nolan’s blind partisanship.
The Star Tribune reports that “because Blue Cross is one of the few insurers with a statewide network of doctors and clinics, those who live outside the Twin Cities area may feel the impact even more.” That’s right, 8th District voters will be disproportionately impacted by Nolan’s decision.
Given today’s news, voters should be very concerned that Nolan doesn’t think Obamacare went far enough and wants to push through an even more extreme version of the law. If 103,000 Minnesotans lost their coverage in one day under Obamacare, how many would lose their coverage under Nolan’s extreme plan?