FBI Director: Hillary Clinton was “extremely careless” in handling of classified information

July 5, 2016

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This morning, just two weeks after her big money fundraiser with House Democrats, FBI Director James Comey presented a damning account of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State, calling her conduct “extremely careless.”

The FBI found that seven email chains on her private server concerned matters classified as “Top Secret, Special Access Program” at the time they were sent and received. On these conversations, Director Comey said that any reasonable person in Clinton’s position should have known that such matters should not have been discussed on unclassified systems.

In addition to Clinton’s negligent handling of classified materials, the FBI also found several thousand work-related emails that were not among those turned over by Clinton to the Department of State. Some of these were deleted over the course of Clinton’s time as Secretary. Others were deleted by Clinton’s attorneys during their review of her emails before their release. Comey concluded that Clinton’s attorneys likely deleted other work-related emails that were not recoverable, and are “now gone.”

NRCC Comment: “The FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server shows that during her time at the Department of State, Clinton was more concerned with hiding information from the public than she was with protecting our national security. The American people do not trust Hillary Clinton, and down ballot candidates who embrace her broadly unpopular, scandal-plagued campaign will pay the price in November.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera