Teachout puts campaign fundraising ahead of government corruption
For someone who is allegedly a crusader against government corruption, Zephyr Teachout is awfully quiet about last week’s secret tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Teachout was asked by Hudson Valley Focus Live host Tom Sipos about the appropriateness of the meeting (which seems like a fair question considering that the FBI, which answers to the Attorney General, was in the middle of a criminal investigation of Clinton’s wife.)
Sipos was cut off mid-question by Teachout, who said she was too busy with campaign fundraising to look into the matter .
“…we’ve been wrapping up and had an end of quarter [fundraising deadline] and I have been so focused on the end of the last campaign and starting the new one that I have not looked into really what happened at all. I will look into it and I will answer but I just can’t today.” -Zephyr Teachout
So has Teachout answered yet? And what happens if important issues come up in the future near fundraising deadlines? Do they just take a back seat to Teachout’s fundraising?