Colleen Deacon flip-flops her I-81 position
During a June 20th NY-24 Democratic debate on Time Warner Cable News, Colleen Deacon was asked if she supports replacing Interstate 81 in Syracuse with a boulevard. Deacon said “Yes.” Less than 24 hours later at a League of Women Voters debate, Deacon changed her tune, saying that a decision on I-81 “has to be bottom-up. It cannot be top-down.”
So either Deacon has no idea what she is talking about, or she is pandering to voters. Either way, you would expect someone who bills herself as Kirsten Gillibrand’s puppet eyes and ears on the ground in Central New York to actually have a position on I-81.
NRCC Comment: “Colleen Deacon either has no idea what she is talking about regarding the future of Interstate 81 or she’s simply pandering to voters. If Deacon is willing to so quickly change her position on Interstate 81, what else is she willing to change her position on?” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack