Business bankrupting Mike Parrish wants to talk about making payroll

July 18, 2016

bankrupt parrishMike Parrish recently stated that “Ryan Costello is clueless when it comes to making payroll.” Normally we would refrain from punching down at a candidate like Parrish with his $44,731 cash on hand, but his hypocrisy is too comical to ignore. And by “hypocrisy,” we mean that Parrish bankrupted a company.

Parrish defaulted on a $50,000 personal business loan in 2009, and in 2011 recommended that it was in the best interest for XIOM Corp. to file bankruptcy with over $3.6 million worth of debts outstanding, including $627k owed to Pennsylvania based creditors and $25k worth of outstanding tax liabilities. At the same time Parrish took a $500k annual salary from XIOM’s parent company.


NRCC Comment: “Mike Parrish is the only person in the race for Pennsylvania’s 6th District who has bankrupted a company.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

parrish bankruptcy