Why did Santarsiero scrub government website of Kathleen Kane video?
August 16, 2016
Now that Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is officially a convicted felon, Steve Santarsiero needs to explain why his government office deleted a video of a joint press conference he held with Kane in 2013. Santarsiero links to the press conference video on an official government press release, but that video has since been deleted.
Why is his government office deleting videos? Was it done for campaign purposes? Is Santarsiero worried that his connections to another corrupt Harrisburg politician will hurt his congressional campaign? What did Santarsiero say in that press conference that he is afraid of? Will he put the taxpayer-funded video back online?
NRCC Comment: “Steve Santarsiero needs to explain why his government office deleted a taxpayer-funded video of a joint press conference he held with convicted felon Kathleen Kane. Pennsylvania voters deserve to know if Steve Santarsiero is the latest Harrisburg politician to abuse state government resources for campaign purposes.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack