Rick Nolan’s Super PAC Hypocrisy

August 26, 2016

Nolan video

Back in January, Rick Nolan sure had a lot to say about Super PACs. Nolan decried the use of “dark money” by Super PACs that came in and told lies about him and his opponent.

Well, now Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC, House Majority PAC, has hit the airwaves in Minnesota’s 8th District with an ad that recycles attacks against his opponent, Republican Stewart Mills, that were found to be so misleading in 2014 that they resulted in two Minnesota TV stations pulling House Majority PAC’s ad last cycle. Given Nolan’s strong feelings on misleading Super PAC ads, one would expect him to be front and center condemning the ad and calling on Nancy Pelosi to pull her Super PAC’s ad from the air in his district. But Nolan has been silent on the ad, content to let outside groups do his dirty work by smearing his opponent with outright falsehoods.

It seems that Rick Nolan really only cares about Super PACs when they aren’t on his side.

NRCC Comment: “Rick Nolan poses as a vocal critic of Super PACs and their dishonest ads, but now that one has showed up in his own backyard to attack his opponent with discredited lies, Nolan is nowhere to be found. Rick Nolan’s failure to condemn Nancy Pelosi’s Super PAC’s false ad shows where he really stands –  he’s against Super PACs, except when they are on his side.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera