“This has us all pissed off.”
August 31, 2016
With Annette Taddeo’s implosion now complete in yet another political campaign, things are about to get awkward for the DCCC. As you may recall, the DCCC fully backed Taddeo over Joe Garcia in the FL-26 Democratic primary, which didn’t go over well with many in the House Democratic Caucus.
To recap, here’s what was said following the DCCC snubbing ethically challenged, earwax eater Joe Garcia in favor of perennial loser Annette Taddeo:
- “This has us all pissed off. You have to be kidding me? What did [Joe Garcia] do wrong? What did he do to deserve this?” – Rep. Juan Vargas
- “The decision has prompted protest from members about a number of primaries, sources said, with the Garcia-Taddeo race topping the list.”
- “The primary has also caused a rift among senior Hispanics in Congress.”
- “Other Latino members of the caucus are unhappy with how things are playing out.”
- “It doesn’t make sense whatsoever for the DCCC to engage on one side of this.” – Rep. Filemon Vela
- “[Rep. Tony] Cárdenas has previously lent his name to a fundraiser for Taddeo but said he is now supporting Garcia.”
- Cárdenas ‘finds the DCCC’s endorsement process ‘inconsistent’ and called it ‘unfortunate’ that the official campaign arm is sticking with Taddeo now that Garcia is campaigning.”