Vol. 7 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite

September 1, 2016


Note: This is the 7th installment in a series highlighting Professor Zephyr Teachout’s super-PAC hypocrisy

Today’s shot: Professor Zephyr Teachout is feigning frustration with Super-PAC donors.

…people from around the district…are totally frustrated with SuperPAC billionaires drowning out peoples voices.
Professor Zephyr Teachout, 8/18/2016

Today’s chaser: Professor Zephyr Teachout has accepted $5,400 in campaign contributions from super-PAC mega-donor Irene Kaufman .

Name: Irene Kaufman
Amount given to Teachout: $5.400
Amount given to Super-PACs: $10,000

NRCC Comment: “Zephyr Teachout says she is waging a war on super-PACs despite accepting tens of thousands of dollars from super-PAC mega-donors. If Zephyr Teachout wants to be seen as anything other than a pandering hypocrite, she will cut ties with her super-PAC donors and return all of their contributions.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack

Vol. 1 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 2 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 3 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 4 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 5 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite
Vol. 6 – Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite