NRCC TV Ad Highlighting Emily Cain’s extreme ties to Hillary Clinton

September 6, 2016

It’s no secret that Emily Cain’s extreme positions are out of touch with Maine families. That includes her support of Hillary Clinton’s agenda that is bad for Maine and bad for the country.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is on the airwaves today with its first ad of 2016 in Maine’s 2nd District highlighting Cain’s ties to Hillary Clinton.

Click here to watch the ad.

Just like Hillary


NRCC Statement: “Emily Cain’s values are not Maine’s values. This is the first in a series of television ads that will explain to voters that Emily Cain is just too extreme for Maine families.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack



Emily Cain stands with Hillary Clinton.

Just like Hillary, Cain supports the nuclear deal with Iran. Even though Iran is a long time state sponsor of terrorism.

Just like Hillary, Cain supports a federal energy tax, even though it could cost Main ten thousand jobs.

And just like Hillary, as a legislator, Cain voted for higher taxes.

Emily Cain, she sides with Hillary, not us.

That’s why she’s wrong for Maine.

 NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.