What Morgan Carroll’s First TV Ad Avoids Speaks Volumes

September 7, 2016

Carroll first adTrial lawyer Morgan Carroll’s milquetoast first ad of the 2016 cycle is notable less for what it says and more for the major issues it avoids altogether:

  • Carroll highlights her law career, but conveniently fails to mention that she is a trial lawyer who has used her position in the state legislature to push bills that would benefit her own industry and donors.
  • Carroll also neglects to tell voters that she is Nancy Pelosi’s handpicked candidate, fundraising with her Super PAC, and has fully embraced a far-left agenda that would skyrocket taxes and smother small businesses.
  • Carroll doesn’t go anywhere near national security issues, a top concern for voters, because her dangerous positions put her far out of step with 6th District families. Carroll supports the reckless nuclear deal with Iran and closing GITMO, even if it means bringing terrorist detainees to Colorado.
  • Carroll also left out her longstanding support of single-payer health care, which she has cynically tried to walk back now that she is running in a more moderate district.

NRCC Comment: “In her first ad of the cycle, trial lawyer Morgan Carroll put on a clinic in avoiding major issues that voters care about. The truth is that Morgan Carroll’s extreme views are badly out of step with the 6th District and all she can do is run from who she really is, a partisan trial lawyer who puts politics ahead of what’s right for the people she hopes to represent.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter