NRCC TV Ad Highlights Jim Mowrer’s Policies of More Taxes and More Regulations

September 13, 2016

Jim Mowrer says he’ll fight for Iowa’s middle class but backs policies that will strangle family farms and small businesses. Whether it’s his support of the devastating death tax or job-killing EPA regulations, Jim Mowrer’s policies are ones Iowans cannot afford.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is up in Iowa’s 3rd District highlighting Jim Mowrer’s support for devastating taxes and regulations that will hurt Iowa’s middle class.

Click here to watch the ad.

NRCC Comment: “Jim Mowrer is spouting empty promises that he will fight for the middle class, but backs policies that will severely devastate agriculture and small businesses. His support for the death tax and job-killing EPA regulations are policies Iowans simply cannot afford in Congress.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Kate Constantini


ANNCR: Jim Mower says he’ll fight for the middle class.

But Mowrer’s forgotten that agriculture and small business are what create Iowa jobs.

Mowrer supports the death tax that can kill family farms and small businesses, taxing away a lifetime of hard work.

And Mowrer supports crushing EPA regulations that could destroy more Iowa jobs.

Jim Mowrer.

Too many taxes. Too many regulations. Too many lost jobs.

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