Pre-debate fact check in NY-19
September 15, 2016
With the first NY-19 debate between John Faso and Professor Zephyr Teachout set to begin at 1PM on WAMC, we wanted to a quick little fact check on the Bronx-based professor and all of her pandering hypocrisy.
- Professor Teachout is a NYC carpetbagger – Take a look at her voter registration HERE.
- Professor Teachout is a tax-evading tax hiker – Teachout called for $14 billion in higher taxes while evading avoiding NYC and NYS taxes by claiming her parents’ house in Vermont as her residency while she was living in NYC. More on that HERE.
- Professor Teachout is anti-farm – Teachout opposed raising the death tax exemption level on family farms. More on that HERE.
- Professor Teachout is anti-Israel – Teachout supports the Iran nuclear deal and refuses to denounce the anti-Israel BDS movement. More on that HERE.
- Professor Teachout is a Super-PAC hypocrite – Teachout says she is against Super-PACs, but the billionaire Soros Super-PAC family is hosting a Manhattan Fundraiser for her on Tuesday. View the invitation HERE.
- Professor Teachout has many Super-PAC donors – Teachout has accepted tens of thousands of dollars from Super-PAC donors. More on that HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
- Professor Teachout says she’ll never treat voters like they’re dumb – see points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 above.