Terri Bonoff: A Step Down on taxes

September 15, 2016


Terri Bonoff is on TV with a cute ad about “stepping up,” that leaves out the truth about her liberal record in the Minnesota Senate. In reality, Terri Bonoff would be a huge step down for Minnesota’s 3rd District. Today, we will examine Terri Bonoff’s record on taxes, which shows she has never met a tax hike she didn’t like.

  • Bonoff voted for a $1 billion tax increase, including a new 9% top bracket, an increase in the tax on beer, wine, and liquor, and a job-killing tax increase in corporate taxes. (2009 SF 681/HF 885 SJ 4466)
  • Bonoff authored a bill that would allow school districts to raise taxes by millions without voter approval. (SF 3317 2010)
  • Bonoff voted to increase the sales tax by .5%. (2007 HF 946)
  • Bonoff voted to increase the tax on gasoline by 7.5 cents/gallon. (2007 HF 946)
  • Bonoff voted for a new statewide property tax (2009 SF 1328 SJ 1744)

NRCC Comment: “Terri Bonoff poses as a centrist, but she is really nothing more than a tax-and-spend liberal state legislator looking for a promotion. Terri Bonoff has never met a tax increase she didn’t like, and would be a huge step down for Minnesota taxpayers.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera