NRCC TV ad highlighting Rick Nolan’s dangerous record on national security

September 16, 2016

As the threat of terrorism grows around the globe, Rick Nolan has gotten cozy with our enemies, voting to give billions to a nation that funds terror, and to relocate captured terrorists to the United States.

The NRCC is on TV in Minnesota’s 8th District with a new ad highlighting Rick Nolan’s dangerously out of touch record on national security.

Click here to watch the ad.



NRCC Statement: “In his decade in Congress, Rick Nolan has consistently supported an extreme, dangerous national security agenda that makes our country less safe. Rick Nolan’s support for the disastrous Iran nuclear deal and the relocation of terrorists to U.S. soil show that he is more committed to a far-left ideology than to keeping Minnesotans safe from our enemies.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera




 Islamic terrorism is on the rise, changing tactics, becoming more dangerous.

 But Rick Nolan has been getting cozy with our enemies.

 Snuggling up to Iran.

 Allowing $150 billion to go to a regime that supports terror.

 Rick Nolan was even comfortable, relocating captured terrorists to the US.

 So while Minnesota families worry about our safety,

 Apparently Rick Nolan…

 Has no worries at all.

 The NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.