NRCC Weekly Rundown: New ads in FL-18, IA-01, IA-03, MI-01, NE-02, and NY-22, Joe Garcia’s bizarre comments on Hillary, and more!
And here’s this week’s edition of the NRCC Weekly Rundown:
National: NRCC Chairman Greg Walden announced that the committee had brought in $3.1 million from lawmakers. Walden has now travelled to 38 states in his effort to build on House Republican’s historic majority. The Chairman’s 251,000 miles travelled is equivalent to 10 trips around the world!
FL-18: A new ad from the NRCC highlights Brian Mast’s selfless service to our country and focus on the issues that matter to Florida families.
IA-01: A new NRCC ad reveals Monica Vernon’s shocking history of raising taxes on Iowa families, while raising her own pay.
IA-03: The NRCC released a new ad highlighting Jim Mowrer’s support for the devastating death tax and job-killing EPA regulations, that put him far out of step with Iowans.
MI-01: The NRCC debuted a new ad highlighting Jack Bergman’s career as a Marine Corps general and successful small businessman, as well as his plan to make America better and stronger. A second ad from the NRCC exposes Lon Johnson as the liberal Detroit carpetbagger he really is.
NE-02: A new ad from the NRCC exposes Brad Ashford’s political doublespeak on GITMO. Ashford put an ad on Nebraska TV claiming to oppose closing GITMO, despite his votes in favor of emptying the prison and sending the terrorists held there back to the battlefield. Ashford is also attempting to backtrack on his long history of supporting raising his own pay this election year, and dodging questions about the toxic Hillary Clinton.
NY-22: The NRCC went on the air with a new ad highlighting Kim Myers’ record as a tax and spend liberal during her tenure as a local politician.
National: Just a day after the Obama administration admitted two more released GITMO detainees had resumed terrorist activities, House Democrats voted against legislation preventing further releases. The NRCC brought attention to votes against the bill by Democrats like Rick Nolan and Louise Slaughter and the support for closing GITMO from candidates like Angie Craig.
National: House Democrats voted against the VA Accountability First and Appeals Modernization Act of 2016, which would improve accountability at the VA, and overhaul the VA’s disability appeals process to make it more responsive to veterans. Once again Democrats are choosing to maintain the status quo instead of working for our veterans.
National: A new report estimates that $37.4 million of the cash ransom paid to Iran by the Obama administration has already gone to fund terrorist organizations. Despite warnings that the Iran nuclear deal would fund terrorism, Democrats like Rick Nolan have continued to stand behind it.
CA-24: Salud Carbajal insulted one of the communities he hopes to represent, calling Lompac “the armpit” of Santa Barbara County. It’s especially egregious for Carbajal to attack his constituents in this way considering that during his tenure as County Supervisor, the income inequality gap in the Santa Maria-Santa Barbara region has climbed to the sixth worst in the nation.
CA-49: Politico reported that DCCC Red to Blue candidate Doug Applegate has a history of accusations that the stalked, harassed and threatened his ex-wife, who was forced to seek restraining orders on multiple occasions.
CO-06: When asked whether Hillary Clinton was trustworthy, Morgan Carroll gave less than a decisive answer. On the trustworthiness of her party’s presidential nominee, Carroll said “I mean, like, do you trust her? I don’t know honestly.”
FL-26: Ethically impaired crook Joe Garcia made some bizarre sexual comments about Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton this week. To make matters worse, Garcia failed to apologize in his first statement on the matter, waiting until it became national news before he issued a second statement hours later apologizing.
MD-06: John Delaney continued his silence on Obamacare, as more bad news on health care hit Marylanders. Regulators announced that the cost of health plans on the state’s insurance exchange would rise by 20% or more next year.
MN-03: Terri Bonoff is up on TV with a new ad, but she left out some key points. Bonoff has a decade-long record of voting for tax hikes on Minnesota families.
NY-01: A quick look at Anna Throne-Holst’s issues page shows that she has literally no plan on national security or on defeating ISIS. This shouldn’t be a surprise since she supports President Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with Iran.
NY-19: As Zephyr Teachout attempted to mislead voters in her first general election debate, the NRCC continued with our epic ongoing series: Zephyr Teachout the pandering Super-PAC hypocrite with volumes 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17.
NRCC Chair: We’ll Keep Control of the House
National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden has flatly dismissed claims by Democrats that they will make big gains in the House of Representatives this fall. “I feel very, very strongly we’ll maintain the majority in the House of Representatives,” Walden said Thursday morning at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. READ
Brian Mast and GOP highlight his Army service in two new TV ads
The National Republican Congressional Committee is also running a new ad that touts Mast’s “service over self on the battlefield and here at home.” The NRCC ad is running the positive Mast spot at the same time it’s airing an attack ad against Perkins, accusing him of profiting from human misery as head of disaster-relief giant Ashbritt Inc. Perkins is threatening to sue over the ad’s characterization of his dealings with the Broward County school district. READ
NRCC Needles Ashford Over National Security Record
National Republicans ratcheted up the pressure on Democratic Rep. Brad Ashford’s Guantanamo Bay stance Wednesday, the day before the House is scheduled to vote on a bill related to detainees at the prison. The National Republican Congressional Committee is launching a TV ad that accuses Ashford of saying he opposes the detention center, while voting to support releasing terrorists back to the battlefield. The issue is set to come up again Thursday, when the House takes up a vote on banning the transfer of any detainee at Guantanamo. READ
Anti-Mowrer Ad Focuses on Jobs
The NRCC released a TV ad Tuesday hitting 2014 IA-04 candidate Jim Mowrer (D) for backing policies that will damage agriculture and small business, and supporting “crushing” EPA regulations. READ
NRCC Attacks Myers as “Tax-and-Spend Liberal”
The NRCC released its first TV ad in the district, slamming Broome County legislator Kim Myers as a “tax-and-spend liberal” who slashed education jobs and raised taxes while serving on a local school board. READ
New poll shows Young with big lead over Mowrer
Simpson College and RABA Research released a new poll Wednesday showing incumbent Congressman David Young with a 15-point lead over his competitor Jim Mowrer, 50 percent to 35 percent. READ
GOP’s Claudia Tenney Leads Democrat and Independent Candidates in Upstate NY Congressional Race
The National Republican Congressional Committee, eager to keep the seat in Republican hands, has reserved $805,291 in TV air time for ads supporting Tenney. READ
In secret tape, ex-congressman says Hillary Clinton ‘is under no illusions that you want to have sex with her’
“It’s shameful and disgusting that Joe Garcia would describe Hillary Clinton’s qualifications to serve as president in terms of whether or not he would have sexual relations with her,” National Republican Congressional Committee spokeswoman Katie Martin said in a statement. “It’s time for national Democrats to answer whether they are going to support a sexist candidate like Joe Garcia who would say such sexually disparaging things about the first-ever female Democratic nominee for President of the United States.” READ
Issa challenger faced restraining orders related to ex-wife
The National Republican Congressional Committee said in an email that Applegate’s posts on social media about sticking up for women do not match his record. “Applegate has been vocal about women’s issues in the past. Let’s see how his rhetoric stacks up against how his wife’s testimony about his actions,” the NRCC’s message said. READ
Rep. Will Hurd: Four questions that must be answered to fix the North Korea mess
The Obama administration’s policy of “strategic patience” implies the U.S. will wait patiently until Kim Jong Un decides to engage with the international community about North Korea’s nuclear capacity. It prescribes no proactive actions to deal with this very pressing issue—and that is simply dangerous. Curbing North Korea’s nuclear weapons program will require dedicated U.S. leadership, not passivity. READ
Dold proposes campus sex assault victim protection bill
“Our bipartisan bill will support survivors and reduce sexual violence on college campuses by ensuring that any student who reports violence will not be subjected to retaliation,” Dold said. “Students who witness such a crime should never fear reprisal for bravely coming forward.” READ