Terri Bonoff can’t pretend she isn’t Pelosi’s candidate anymore
In their August debate, Terri Bonoff took great offense* to Rep. Erik Paulsen’s statement that she would vote for Nancy Pelosi for speaker, and contended that she had not even spoken to Pelosi before deciding to seek the Democrat nomination for Congress. Well, Bonoff is now making clear that she is Pelosi’s candidate, as she brings the toxic former Speaker of the House to Minneapolis for a fundraiser.
By openly campaigning with the Minority Leader, Terri Bonoff is making clear that she would cast her vote for Nancy Pelosi, despite the failed policies that Pelosi and House Democrats pushed through Congress during her first stint as Speaker. During her tenure, Pelosi gave us record spending, growing deficits, and the disastrous Obamacare, of which she famously said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”
Terri Bonoff is making clear that she stands with Nancy Pelosi and Washington liberals, not with the people of the 3rd District.
*Click HERE for video of Bonoff awkwardly trying to distance herself from Nancy Pelosi in August