New NRCC TV ad exposes Colleen Deacon’s weak national security plan
Colleen Deacon is completely clueless when it comes to keeping Central New York families safe from terrorism. Deacon even admitted that she doesn’t know how to fight ISIS. The National Republican Congressional Committee is out with a new television ad drawing attention to Colleen Deacon not having a clue when it comes to our national security.
NRCC Comment: “It’s very disturbing that Colleen Deacon has no plan to fight ISIS and that she supports the Iran nuclear deal that puts Iran on the path to a nuclear bomb. It’s clear that Colleen Deacon cannot be trusted to keep Central New York families safe from terrorist threats.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
As ISIS infiltrates America…
…Colleen Deacon admits she has no clue how to stop them.
“Fighting ISIS, obviously, I don’t know what the answer is.”
Deacon even supports the Iran nuclear deal…releasing billions to the leading sponsor of terrorism…
…giving Iran the ability to produce nuclear weapons.
“Fighting ISIS, obviously, I don’t know what the answer is.”
Colleen Deacon doesn’t have a clue.
NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.