NRCC TV ad highlights Colleen Deacon’s blind partisanship
Central New York voters like their representatives to put partisan bickering aside to get things done in Washington. That’s why they cannot afford to send Colleen Deacon to Congress.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is out with a new television ad drawing attention to Colleen Deacon being a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s extremely partisan agenda.
NRCC Comment: “Colleen Deacon admits that she cannot find any issue where she would break from Nancy Pelosi and her extreme agenda. Central New York voters deserve better than a politician like Colleen Deacon who puts blind partisanship ahead of delivering results for New York’s 24th District.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
Are you going to be able to say to Nancy Pelosi, assuming she’s still the leader, no I’m going to vote with the Republicans on this one?
Well, I mean. I think to be honest with you. I think a lot of what the Democratic Platform is what I stand for. So I don’t know necessarily, why I would break away from. Why I would want to break away from any of the issues, anything specifically.
Wasteful spending.
Crushing debt.
Job-destroying taxes.
Colleen Deacon will rubber stamp Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.
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