New NRCC TV Ad Highlights Beverly Hills Lawyer Bryan Caforio’s Out Of Touch Agenda
The National Republican Congressional Committee is on the airwaves today with a new ad showcasing just how out of touch Beverly Hills Lawyer Bryan Caforio is with 25th District families. Whether it’s increasing spending, killing jobs, or raising the social security tax, it is clear Caforio simply isn’t from the 25th District and is out of step with its priorities.
NRCC Statement: “Carpetbagging Beverly Hills lawyer Bryan Caforio is simply not right for the 25th District. Whether it is expanding Obamacare and increasing taxes by a trillion dollars or hiking the social security tax and hurting working families, Caforio couldn’t be more out of touch.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter
ANNCR: Beverly Hills lawyer, Bryan Caforio is a carpet bagger.
If he were from here, Caforio wouldn’t support expanding ObamaCare.
Raising our taxes by a trillion dollars.
Increasing spending …
… or destroying jobs.
And if Caforio were from our district, he wouldn’t support increasing Social Security taxes, which hurt working families and small businesses.
Beverly Hills lawyer, Bryan Caforio.
He’s not one of us.
NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.